Tourism News

The tip of the day

The Economist recently published an article about tipping in the USA. The main thrust was that we Americans are as confused about tipping as the rest of the world is confused about our tipping habits. It made me remember an incident that happened to me way back…… I’ve been in the travel industry since Methuselah … Continue reading The tip of the day

How to save a generation – from itself

Having been in the workplace for a long time and having always been in the travel and tourism industry, I consider it necessary – no, a duty – to take vacations. To travel to new and exciting places and have a good time. For me, the new experiences added to my professional knowledge. They gave … Continue reading How to save a generation – from itself

The one constant thing.

Back in 500 BC, tourism wasn’t much as we know it today. However, in Ephesus in what is now Turkey, a gentleman called Heraclitus was pondering, as ancients tended to do. “Change’ he said (in Greek) ‘is the only constant in life’. We can’t look into the future with any certainty, and no matter how … Continue reading The one constant thing.

Can you tell me the way…..

A tourist was driving through the beautiful Irish countryside and obviously lost. He he saw a local sitting by the side of the road and stopped to ask directions. ‘Excuse me’ said the tourist. ‘Can you give me directions of how to get to Dublin?’. The local considered for a while, and said ‘Well, I … Continue reading Can you tell me the way…..

These are not the B&Bs we remember….

Back in the UK, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, there was an institution known as the ‘Seaside Bed and Breakfast’, a type of hotel for the masses to stay in during their two week vacation at the beach. They were usually presided over by a formidable landlady who ensured that all her rules were adhered to, … Continue reading These are not the B&Bs we remember….

How Micro-Moments are reshaping the Travel Customer Journey – Google report.

Google have just published a report that examines how people plan for travel. It examines the devices (that’s definitely multiple devices!) that they use and when they use them. The report is certainly well worth reading if you’re in any way involved with the tourism, hospitality or associated industries. It runs to 41 pages and … Continue reading How Micro-Moments are reshaping the Travel Customer Journey – Google report.

I think I need a map….

We took a road trip this past weekend. We needed to be just north east of Atlanta, Georgia, on Sunday morning and to be back in Northwest Florida by mid afternoon the same day. We decided to take all day Saturday to make a leisurely drive, stay in a B&B overnight (more of this in … Continue reading I think I need a map….

I’m not a Grockle*, I live here!

I live in a tourist town. It’s a great feeling actually living somewhere that people save up their cash and time to visit on vacation. Well most of the time! I do sympathize with other locals who find their lives disrupted during ‘the season’ by what they perceive as traffic gridlock, full restaurants, and sometimes … Continue reading I’m not a Grockle*, I live here!

Exploit the ancestors!

Many years ago, I was involved in tourism from the United Kingdom to Australia and New Zealand. The main demographic was UK folks who had family and friends ‘down under’, due to migration (not to mention enforced transportation of convicts in days gone by!) virtually everyone had a relative in Oz. Not surprisingly this sector … Continue reading Exploit the ancestors!