Conexión – December

Here’s the Conexión Florida article for December…….

It’s the time of year for reflecting on the past 12 months and looking forward to the next. As I’m writing this over the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s also an opportunity to recognize all the things for which we need to be thankful. For those of us involved with tourism, that’s an awful lot!

On the whole 2018 has been a great year for tourism here on the northern Gulf Coast. Visitor numbers have been up and that has resulted in good levels of bed-tax collection, which can be used for future promotion and tourism related infrastructure projects. Employment is up and, in fact, we need more industry professionals than we’ve ever had before. The tourist seasons have also been extended, which is good for year-round employment.  

Of course, the arrival of Hurricane Michael in October was a disaster for many parts of our area without any doubt. The devastation around Panama City, Mexico Beach, and the surrounding communities is heartbreaking.

To read the rest of the article, click HERE